Toni Kuhn

Missing My Mom


It has been 18 years since my mother passed away. I am thinking of her so much and I would like to share the story of our last day together.

The day before she died we went to the laundry mat to wash our comforters. She stayed and watched the laundry while I went and took a yoga class. It was during this yoga class I realized I wanted to be a yoga teacher. I knew in my heart that this is what I wanted to do. After class I picked my mom up and we went to Costco. She was tired so she sat in food court while I picked up a few things. When I finished shopping I came back to the food court and found that she had made friends with an elderly couple. They were having lunch and chatting away. This was so like her! She could make friends anywhere! She introduced me with the pride in her voice that I always just smiled at.

That evening was just another evening. She said she had fun and then she said the oddest thing to me. She said she wasn’t ready to die. She had things she still wanted to do.

She never woke up the next morning.

After 18 years it still hurts and I cry. But, I remember more of the good times, the lessons and the laughter. She loved to dance, do cross words and watch murder mysteries. ( Columbo was our show!)

My mother always believed in me and supported everything I did. She was always full of praise and gratitude. I miss her hugs the most.

In honor of her memory and our last day together, I began another yoga teacher training today. It is a 5 week on line training. I wanted to do this for myself and to get back in touch with my roots as a teacher. I can feel my mom cheering me on.

I love you mom. Thank you for always believing in me. RIP.


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