Toni Kuhn

You Are Essential


Today is Labor Day. “On the first Monday in September, we take the day off to celebrate Labor Day and reflect on the American worker’s contributions to our country.” – National Today

This is an especially important day for all of us. It is more than the defined eight-hour day with a lunch break, paid vacations and social security. It is a day in which we honor all of the essential workers that have kept our country afloat during this pandemic. Where would we be without farmers, ranchers, postal workers, truck drivers, garbage collectors, medical workers, grocery stores, banks, UPS and of course Amazon?! (I am sure there are more that we should be grateful for and that this list is much larger.) Take moment to pause and be thankful for all of these laborers. For without them we would not have toilet paper, chocolate and hand sanitizer. (These are not in any specific order- LOl!)

So now I would to share a couple of the survival items these amazing essential workers have provided me with during these trying times.

Hu Chocolate Nibs– These are the best chocolate nibs I have ever had and they do not have any bad ingredients. They are also dairy free- which is very hard to find in a dark chocolate. They are sweetened with coconut sugar, so if you are monitoring your sugar intake, you do have to watch how much you eat. I will be honest, I have had a few moments of the “Cookie Monster” effect with these. So you are warned- these are gobbly-delicious! Sprouts has them for half the price of Amazon.

Georges Aloe Vera Juice– This is great for when you eat too many chocolate nibs and get indigestion! It has no taste or smell and goes down just like water. My nutritionist has recommend aloe vera juice to me for years but I hated the taste. This one is amazing and works within minutes! Good bye heart burn! Amazon has the best price but it is also sold at Sprouts.

Essential is defined as absolutely necessary; extremely important. So I wanted to take a moment and thank you for being an essential part of my life. You contribute to my life in ways that are not always visible. You give me the space to express myself as a yoga/fitness teacher and allow me to connect with you on an intimate level. Without you my creativity would be stifled. You have given me so much joy and delivered it right to my heart.

I am forever grateful that I have this platform of readers that are willing to read my musings.


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