A trigger is a “ stimulus that elicits a reaction“. Some triggers are bad as they may cause you to be upset, sad, angry, anxious or even have PTSD. However, triggers can also be good.
“Yes, some triggers can cause a very positive emotion. Positive triggers are important because they can help individuals stay focused and positive throughout life. “Healing triggers” cause a positive reaction, such as happiness to something that happens”. – The Guest House
“While triggers are often associated with negative emotions or memories, they can also be used to elicit positive emotions and behaviors. For example, a positive trigger could be a particular song or piece of music that evokes feelings of joy or inspiration, leading to positive actions such as dancing or singing along” – Linkedin

As a moon child I have always had an affinity and connection to the moon and it’s cycles. A full moon triggers a deep sense of peace and joy in my heart and brings my mind into sharp focus. I feel completely at ease when I gaze upon it’s beauty.
Image by kjpargeter on Freepik
Here are some examples of positive triggers.
- Music that evokes joy or inspiration
- Scented candles that make you feel calm
- A person smiles at you and you smile back
- A great workout that leaves you feeling strong and invigorated
- Witnessing a beautiful sunset that makes you sigh with peacefulness
- A movie that makes you laugh out loud
- A delicious meal that leaves you completely satisfied
- A hug from someone that warms your heart
There are so many more positive triggers that can be added to this list. The point is to take time to pause and be in the moment. Breathe and try to understand the reaction you are having to a trigger. If a trigger is having a negative effect on you, acknowledge what is happening and then try to let it go. Perhaps turn to a trigger that makes you feel good.
I was recently asked to join a Facebook group that was for weight loss. They wanted me for my fitness/yoga skills. I immediately had a negative reaction to this as it triggered my life long struggle with disordered eating. I knew joining this group would take a toll on my emotional health and well-being, so I kindly turned them down. I am in a good place with my problem and have learned to stay away from my triggers. I no longer allow doctors to weigh me and I stay away from diet programs. I have learned to let go of the triggers that are unhealthy for me.
Are their triggers that you need to let go of?
How can you find ways to invite more healing triggers in your life?
Try this healing mantra:
I am happy,
I am healthy,
I am whole.
The key is to find ways to live healthy and happy. To learn that you do not have live with your negative triggers and you can invite more positive triggers into your life.