How clean are your floors?
I just purchased an electric steam mop for my tile floors. I had been using a spray mop with washable cleaning pads. I decided to try out this mop because my floors were dirty even though I cleaned them all the time. I felt like my floors had a buildup of grime that was sticking to them.
Last night I tried out my new steam mop with washable pads and it was amazing! I could not believe how much gunk came off my floors. Mind you, this is not a fancy steam mop- it was under a hundred bucks! But wow! My floors look and feel so much cleaner now.
They no longer feel sticky and have a nice sparkle to them.

This idea that dirt and grime can still be on our floors even though we clean them got me to thinking about the gunk that may be stuck inside ourselves. You know- those sticky emotions that won’t seem to leave. The ones that sneak up at night and keep us awake. Anxiety, fear, sorrow, anger…..
How clean are you on the inside? Do you have pent up emotions sticking to you causing you to feel stress or unhappiness?
Perhaps your cleaning method is to meditate, to exercise or to talk to someone about these feelings, yet they are still stuck to you. So we have to ask ourselves- why are these things not working? Why do I have a buildup of these emotions?
I think the answer is to try a different approach- a new cleaning method. Sometimes we try things because we are told they will work for us. The key is to take the idea and then make it work for you. For example- maybe the idea of a 30 minute meditation completely stresses you out. Instead, maybe try a 10 minute walk where you try to focus your mind on your surroundings. It is still meditation- just a different approach.

We are all so beautifully different, and we are constantly changing. Maybe the answer is to discover your own steam mop for your internal gunk.
Bring back your own sparkle.
I am still mopping my floors, I just changed how I am mopping.
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