This past week I dove deep into reorganizing my closets. It started out as wanting to make some room to store things for our new grandbaby. We are expecting his arrival any day!
So I began weeding through things in my closet that I did not need and I started to feel really focused. I really got into it! However, in order to make room in the downstairs closet, I had to rearrange other closets upstairs. You know how that goes!
Then I brought out my label maker. This is by far my favorite household tool! I love having things in their proper space and seeing that little white label. It is a symbol of my amazing organizational skills! I went through and labeled everything! And boy did I start labeling like crazy! It was so satisfying have things in their place and labeled! (I think I may have a problem- Lol!)
As I was labeling away I started to think about all the different ways we label things in our life. We label our emails, files on our computer and hard copies of important documents (i.e. taxes, medical records…)
I realized that we even label our thoughts and emotions that are stored away in the closets of our mind and heart. We organize them, shift them around and tuck them into spaces. Sometimes we pack them away in the back of our mind or deep in our heart. Have you ever had a thought/emotion pop up and you had no idea where that came from? Or perhaps you have gone to a therapist and they helped you let go of thoughts/emotions by identifying (labeling) them.
What have you been labeling?

Think about how we use emoji’s to label how we are feeling. We are literally putting a label on a reaction to a text, email, Instagram or Facebook post.

As we strive to be healthy we need to take the time to reorganize our thoughts and discard the ones that no longer serve us. We can then create space for new thoughts and even organize the ones we decide to keep. The same can be done with our emotions. We must clean out old hurts, disappointments and sadness to make room for joy and happiness. Cleaning out the clutter in the closets of your mind and heart will leave you with plenty of space to store the things you want to keep.
Then perhaps you will have more labels that say joy.
What are you going reorganize and label?
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