Fall is approaching quickly and signaling the beginning of the Holiday season. This can be a stressful time as we prepare to celebrate with family and friends. Although this should just be a special time, it can also be a bit over whelming. I already find myself creating long to do lists, planning and feeling the pressure of the busy season. I ask myself year after year- How did I get all of this done when I worked full-time and had a family to take care of? I am semi-retired as I only work about 8 hours a week. Plus, my kids are grown and out of the house. So why do I feel even more pressure around the holidays?
I think I am afraid of missing something. As I get older these to do lists are a little harder to manage and navigate through. So how do I cope? I pause and take a moment to get myself in the present moment. Remind myself that everything does not have to be perfect. I take it one day at time, one task at a time, stay present and feel gratitude for everything and everyone in my life.
Gratitude is very healing and grounding. It gives us the opportunity to stop and feel the moment. It soothes the soul, warms the heart and reminds us of what is truly important.

So pause, take a breath- then truly be in the present moment. See what you have and think about what you are grateful for. Even during the busy times, taking a moment to feel gratitude will ease the stress and help you feel calmer.
Mindfulness tip:
Another way to get in the present moment is to take a moment for mindfulness. Here is a short exercise you can try.
- Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes.
- Take a few cleansing breaths where your exhale is longer than your inhale.
- After you feel settled, open your eyes and look around your space.
- Identify 3 things that you are grateful for. (Examples: your chair, your coffee, the warmth of your home, your blanket, ect…)
- Take one more deep breath with a long exhale.
- Smile and enjoy the rest of your day!
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