Toni Kuhn

Being in the Zone


A couple of months ago I became a grandma. This has been one of the most exciting times in my life! My grandson has enabled me to be present in my life. When I am with him he needs my full attention and I find that I am in the “zone” with him.

In these moments, he is the center and everything else can wait. I attend to his every need from diaper changes, bottles and entertainment. I watch his every move hoping to get that perfect picture! Lol!

My grandson has helped to ground me and connect me to life. I can feel his heartbeat when I hold him and it centers me. This beautiful baby has given me the gift of mindfulness and serenity. I am filled with love and gratitude.

My time with him has made me think about finding ways to be in the zone in other areas of my life.

We are inundated with tasks, demands, chores and responsibilities. It is a mad rush to get things done and check them off the list. When was the last time you folded laundry and took the time to be aware of what you were folding? Me- never! Lol!

Do you ever find yourself on auto pilot during the day? Not even remembering what you did?

Connecting to what we are doing helps to calm the mind and brings us peace. It allows space for gratitude and happiness. However, tuning into the mind and the present moment can be challenging. Think of it as weight training for your mind. You may only be able to handle a little bit at a time.

When we take time throughout the day to be in the present moment, the mind has a chance to focus and calm down. This in turn helps us to be more relaxed and happy. It also helps to ease the sense of rushing or urgency when you are going about your day. Getting in the zone can actually ease stress and bring you joy.

Here are some things you can do to bring yourself in the zone. These little exercises can be done while you are completing a task. Try these for a few minutes and notice how your mind relaxes. Feel connected to the task.

  • Chores:
    • Focus on the task at hand for a few minutes and really concentrate on what you are doing. For example, if you are vacuuming- really feel the rhythm of the vacuum and breathe with it. 
  • Walking:
    • As you are walking take some time to feel the ground. Concentrate on each step. From the foot hitting the ground and the opposite foot coming off the ground. Notice your arms.
  • Mindful Practice:
    • Sit in a room or outdoors. Look around the space and acknowledge what you see, hear and smell. Feel gratitude for your surroundings.  Next, tune into your breathing. Just sit and breathe for a few minutes, focusing only on your breath.

There are many ways you can practice mindfulness and bring yourself into the moment. It is simply pausing and connecting to what is happening in the now. Take the time and get into the zone.



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