Toni Kuhn

Staying Grounded

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Virabhadrasana 2

Virabhadrasana II

The past couple of months have been a bit strenuous and emotional for me. I have found that Virabhadrasana II gives me strength, courage, and grounds me when life seems so chaotic.

My very dear friend  has cancer and is going through another session of chemotherapy. This time they are attacking the cancer more aggressively. It has been less than a year from her last treatment. I feel so helpless because she lives in Sacramento and I cannot be there for her like I would like to. I text her,  I call her, and I send her cards of encouragement. I have been dedicating my yoga practices to her and meditating for this treatment to work.  I will be going up to see her when she has her third treatment in July.

Additionally, I just did the Arthritis Walk last Sunday and spoke on stage about my mother’s experience and her death. It is bitter sweet when I talk about her. I miss her everyday and my heart still aches. Yet, I know her story helps people understand their disease better and I know I am touching others by sharing it. My mother has inspired me to help others and to stay grounded in my life. She was such a giving and compassionate person, and I hope that I can be remembered for the same traits. As I come to the close of my Arthritis Workshops next Saturday, I find myself feeling hopeful that I helped my students and provided them with enough tools to help them manage their pain.

Lastly, today is my first day off in 6-weeks! I feel so blessed to have enough work to keep busy and financially stable. But , I am definitely enjoying this quiet and lazy day!

Have a beautiful day today! And tell me- what pose helps to keep you grounded?

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