Toni Kuhn

Baby Animals That make You Smile


This week I posted a picture of a baby giraffe on my Face Book page and I got such a great response from people. It appears that everyone always smiles at a cute baby animal picture! So I thought I would gather a few and try to brighten your day!

Sometimes life can be so busy, demanding, and often frustrating or upsetting. I invite you everyday to find something visually that makes you smile and feel joy! Maybe its rainbows, the beach, the mountains, or even pictures of baby animals. Find something that takes the pressure off of your life,  even for a moment. When we take the blinders off from our busy life and look around the world and truly see how magnificent it is, the pressures of our everyday lives dissipate.

If you would see truly see how big the world really is, you can watch this short video from Spacex. Below you will find a link to see a camera attached to the fairing after separating from the rocket and falling back to earth. The earth is so beautiful and awesome. Take a peek!

Smile everyone.



baby tiger


pictures-of-cute-baby-animals panda baby giraffe baby squirrel Baby-owl cute-baby-animals-baby-monkey elephant sloth

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